National Skills Competitions 2024

The 9th edition of the unique and high-quality Professional Skills Competitions in Albania!

General conditions for all competitions
  • You are between 16 and 25 years old (at the date of the competition).
  • You meet the specific requirements of the respective competition (see below).
  • Multiple applications for different competitions are not possible, because all competitions take place on the same days. In case of multiple applications, we only consider one submitted application as valid.
  • The competitors will be selected through the jury of the respective competition. The selection criteria are your experience in the respective field of the competition, your motivation expressed in the application form and a gender-balanced mix of participants from different regions in Albania as well as from different companies and schools.
  • Applications of participants from previous years are welcome. However, in the case of a large number of suitable new applications, those who have never participated in Albanian Skills have priority.
  • Application as well as participation is free of any charge. However, of course you must be available on the published dates and to arrive at your own expense to the event location.
Entrepreneurship & Business Development Competition

14 November 2024 | 
Specific requirements

  • You have an educational background or professional experience in business development, economics, management or equivalent, etc, but other backgrounds are welcomed as well and are not excluded.
  • You have to be creative and driven towards solving complex problems.
  • You are able to understand English.

Registrations are closed.

Hotel Reception & Restaurant Service Competition

13-15 December 2023 |
Specific requirements

  • You have an educational background or professional experience in tourism, hotel and restaurant services.
  • You are able to communicate in English with foreign guests.
  • Dresscode: semi-formal, smart casual (e.g. white shirt and dark pants).

Registrations are closed.

Cooking & Pastry Competition

13-15 December 2023 |
Specific requirements

  • You have an educational background or professional experience in tourism, hotel and restaurant services, cooking and pastry.
  • You should bring your own ingredients for first and second plate, and pastry including utensils.
  • You are able to communicate in English with foreign guests.
  • Dresscode: professional uniform.

Registrations are closed.

13-15 December 2023 | 
Specific requirements

  • You have solid skills in graphic processing, creating and editing advertising campaigns and promotional materials.
  • You understand English. Tasks in the competition will be given in English.
  • You have to bring your own device with installed programs of your choice (e.g. Photoshop, Illustrator etc.). Laptops preferred.

Registrations are closed.

Photography Competition

13-15 December 2023 | 
Specific requirements

  • You have solid skills and experience in digital photography.
  • You understand English. Tasks in the competition will be given in English.
  • You have to bring your own photography equipment (digital semi-professional camera, DSLR, accessories).

Registrations are closed.

Software Development Competition

13-15 December 2023 | 
Specific requirements

  • You have solid skills in JAVA, Python, C++, C, Javascript, C#, PHP, Go, or any other programming language of your preference.
  • You have a solid understating of programming paradigms like Object-oriented programming, Functional programming, Modular programming e.t.c.
  • You have solid skills in Data Structures and Algorithms.
  • You understand English because the tasks in the competition will be given in English.
  • You have to bring your own device with the installed IDE and development environment.(Laptop preferred).

Registrations are closed.

Web Development Competition

13-15 December 2023 | 
Specific requirements

  • You have solid skills in programming HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • You understand English. Tasks in the competition will be given in English.
  • You have to bring your own device with installed developer tools (IDE or editor) and the latest version of Firefox or Chrome (Laptop preferred).

Registrations are closed.

Digital Marketing Competition

13-15 December 2023 | 
Specific requirements

  • You have knowledge of strategies for social media and visual marketing for different target groups and stakeholders.
  • You have solid skills in editing and managing information in different media formats (text and images) on social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Tick Tok etc.).
  • You understand English. Tasks in the competition will be given in English.
  • You have to bring your own device with installed programs of your choice (e.g. Photoshop, Illustrator etc.). Laptops preferred.

Registrations are closed.

Konkursi Parukier & Berber / Hairdressing and Barber Skills Competitions

13-15 December 2023 | 
Njoftim mbi Konkursin

  • Në konkurs do të marrin pjesë kandidatët të cilët janë regjistruar online më datë 26 Nëntor 2023 dhe do të përzgjidhen paraprakisht nga ekipi i vlerësuesve. Emrat e konkurentëve do të shpallen brenda datës 5 Dhjetor 2023 duke u komunikuar nëpërmjet postës elektronike dhe më tej në këtë faqe zyrtare.
  • Lexoni me kujdes aplikimin dhe plotësojeni atë online.
  • Aplikimi dhe pjesëmarrja në konkurs janë falas.
  • Cdo konkurent duhet të jetë i disponueshëm në datat 13-15 Dhjetor 2023 dhe të mbërrijë me shpenzimet veta në Tiranë ose në vendin e konkurimit. Për konkurentët nga qytetet e largëta do të ofrohet akomodimi gjatë ditëve të konkurimit. Ndërkohë transporti nga Tirana/qendër deri tek vendi ku do të zhvillohet konkursi /Expocity Albania do të ofrohet falas nga organizatorët.
  • Cdo konkurent duhet të sjellë me vehte mjetet e punës si edhe një model/e ose manekin.
  • Cdo pjesmarres i regjistruar duhet te lexojë me kujdes informacionet dhe të kontrollojë herëpashere postën elektronike si edhe në spam/kosh pasi e-mailet konfirmuese mund të përfundojnë në spam/kosh!
  • Të gjitha komunikimet do të bëhen me email. Prandaj është e nevojshme ta kontrolloni atë vazhdimisht.
  • Të dhënat tuaja nuk do t’i jepen askujt pa aprovimin tuaj.

Kerkesat Specifike

  • Ju jeni ndërmjet moshës 16 deri 25 vjec.
  • Duhet të keni aftësi të forta në Parukeri dhe Berber.
  • Ju duhet të sillni mjetet dhe modelin tuaj.

Regjistrimet janë mbyllur.