Apprentices of Today, Leaders of Tomorrow

The “Apprentices of Today, Leaders of Tomorrow” an inspiring event dedicated to the vital role of apprentices in our organizations and beyond held at the Social Hub co-working space was a resounding success on 13 June, 2024 at Social Hub Tirana. Attendees were treated to an enlightening panel discussion featuring esteemed stakeholders from human resources, 

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INTERVET WB Project: Successes and Milestones at Transnational Brussels Meeting

We are excited to announce the success of our recent Brussels meeting! The gathering was both productive and eventful as we discussed crucial project aspects. To begin, we ensured that all financial and administrative matters were handled successfully. We addressed any arising issues and resolved them to ensure the project’s smooth operation. We dedicated a 

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Hapja E Zyrës Për Informim Dhe Këshillim Në Karrierë – ZIKK Kukës

Ditën e Martë më datë 25 Janar, ora 14:00-15:00 pranë Bashkisë Kukës u zhvillua aktiviteti i hapjes së Zyrës për Informim dhe Këshillim Karriere, ZIKK Bashkia Kukës. Hapja e kësaj zyre vjen në kuadër të projektit “Një vizitë larg karrierës tuaj të ardhshme” të financuar nga Zyra për Marrëdhënien me Publikun të Ambasadës së SHBA-së 

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Hapja e Zyrës për Informim dhe Këshillim në Karrierë – ZIKK Dibër

Ditën e Mërkurë më datë 19 Janar, ora 14:00-15:00 pranë Bashkisë Dibër u zhvillua aktiviteti i hapjes së Zyrës për Informim dhe Këshillim Karriere, ZIKK Bashkia Dibër. Hapja e kësaj zyre vjen në kuadër të projektit “Një vizitë larg karrierës tuaj të ardhshme” të financuar nga Zyra për Marrëdhënien me Publikun të Ambasadës së SHBA-së 

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INTERVET WB Project participates in the EU4Education Fair

In the framework of the “Europe is Here” campaign launched by the Delegation of the European Union to Albania, Albanian Skills – the project partner organization in Albania was invited to participate and present the project in the EU4Education on 3 November 2021. The fair took place at the premises of the Europe House in 

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Akademia Karrierës / Youth Career Academy in Mat, Diber and Kukes Municipalities

The Youth Career Academy will arrive in the towns of Burrel, Peshkopi and Kukes from 15 to 31 October. as part of the activities undertaken in the framework of the ‘A Visit far from Your Future Career’ project funded by the US Embassy Grants Program for Democracy. A series of trainings with focus on: skilling 

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Testimonials of the students participated in the first VET Student Mobility in Bologna

On June 25, the ten selected students from the VET schools in Albania traveled to Italy for one month mobility in the framework of the INTERVET WB project. This project is the first of its kind in Westerns Balkans Countries therefore it has a special importance for the VET system in Albania and other countries 

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Albanian Skills Week takes place for the 4th year inspired by the European Vocational Skills Week. European Vocational Skills Week is a European Commission initiative to raise awareness about vocational education and training (VET) and increase its attractiveness since 2016. Inspired by this wonderful initiative which aims to make VET more appealing, to help young 

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Preparing the 10 selected INTERVET WB students for their journey in Italy / English Classes Remarks

In the framework of the INTERVET WB project, ten students of Vocational Education Schools from Albania have been selected to participate in a 1-month internship in Italy which will take place this summer. On the eve of the organizing of these professional practices, the multidimensional preparation of students for this experience and to benefit as 

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