Europe Week 2024 -Europe Union for Vocational Education and Training in Albania

On May 4th and 6th, we participated in activities as part of Europe Week organized by @EU in Albania. Over these two days, we had the opportunity to promote what AlbanianSkills represents and does in the field of Vocational Education and Training, as well as to showcase and talk more about the 8 current projects 

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Unlocking Skills Potential across Europe: A Comprehensive Recap of the First Pact for Skills Forum

The Pact for Skills was launched on 10 November 2020. It aims to support public and private organisations with maximising the impact of their investment in upskilling and reskilling, so they can thrive through the green and digital transitions. Skills are central for building a resilient and competitive work force, and for mastering the digital and 

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Takimi i Dytë mes Partnerëve, më 20-21 shkurt 2024 në Sarajevë në Kuadër të Projektit DC-VET WB

Takimi i 2-të midis partnerëve për projektin DC-VET WB u mbajt në Sarajevë më 20 dhe 21 shkurt 2024, duke shënuar një hap të rëndësishëm drejt zhvillimit të AFP në Rajon. Organizuar nga International University of Sarajevo (IUS) dhe IUS Lifelong Learning Center, takimi mblodhi së bashku një grup të ndryshëm aktorësh nga vendet partnere 

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“The Ninth Edition of the National Skills Competitions”- Logo Design Competition

Exciting News! “The Ninth Edition of the National Skills Competitions” organised by Albanian Skills- National Association for Skills Competitions is scheduled for 15-17 November 2024, and we need YOUR creativity to make it unforgettable! We are thrilled to announce the Logo Design Competition for this prestigious event. The Logo Design Competition is co-organized in cooperation 

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INTERVET WB Project: Successes and Milestones at Transnational Brussels Meeting

We are excited to announce the success of our recent Brussels meeting! The gathering was both productive and eventful as we discussed crucial project aspects. To begin, we ensured that all financial and administrative matters were handled successfully. We addressed any arising issues and resolved them to ensure the project’s smooth operation. We dedicated a 

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CANDI Project – 2nd TNM in Valencia

At the beginning of October, our second transnational project meeting for the CANDI project was held in Valencia. It was a great opportunity to catch up with the CANDI team and plan the next steps together. During the meeting, we met our future CANDI trainers who participated in the first part of the training to 

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