Empowering Sustainable and Digital & Green Futures: The INVEST-CBVET Project Kick-Off Meeting in Seville

In the charming city of Seville, the groundbreaking Kick-Off Meeting for the INVEST project was convened, marking the commencement of a pivotal venture dedicated to fostering Innovation in Green and Digital VET skills for Sustainable Lifestyles. Held over three productive days from the 18th to the 20th of March 2024, the event gathered a consortium 

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Takimi i Dytë mes Partnerëve, më 20-21 shkurt 2024 në Sarajevë në Kuadër të Projektit DC-VET WB

Takimi i 2-të midis partnerëve për projektin DC-VET WB u mbajt në Sarajevë më 20 dhe 21 shkurt 2024, duke shënuar një hap të rëndësishëm drejt zhvillimit të AFP në Rajon. Organizuar nga International University of Sarajevo (IUS) dhe IUS Lifelong Learning Center, takimi mblodhi së bashku një grup të ndryshëm aktorësh nga vendet partnere 

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🌟 **Celebrating Milestones of Growth and Collaboration! 🎉** Overlooking the vast landscape of progress forged through dedication and collaboration, we stand on the summit of achievement. The conclusion of the INTERVET WB project marks not just the end of a journey, but the beginning of a transformative era for vocational education and training (VET) in 

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INTERVET WB Project: Successes and Milestones at Transnational Brussels Meeting

We are excited to announce the success of our recent Brussels meeting! The gathering was both productive and eventful as we discussed crucial project aspects. To begin, we ensured that all financial and administrative matters were handled successfully. We addressed any arising issues and resolved them to ensure the project’s smooth operation. We dedicated a 

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𝗞𝗼𝗻𝗸𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗶𝗻 𝗔𝗴𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗰𝗵 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟮

Panairet e industrive të ndryshme janë edhe vendet ku institucionet arsimore mund të krijojnë lidhje të rëndësishme mes tyre dhe bizneseve që operojnë në ato fusha. Por më e rëndësishmja është se panairet shndërrohen në “arena” të vërteta të prezantimit të talenteve të reja, aftësive të tyre dhe se sa të lidhura janë ato aftësi 

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Every year in our country “Europe Week” is held by the Delegation of the European Union in Albania,  this year the week focuses on the values ​​of the European Union. European values ​​were confirmed once again: respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, rule of law, respect for human rights, non-discrimination, solidarity, and equality between women 

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Just closing another inspiring edition of skills competitions in Albania

On Saturday, February 26, 2022 was held the National Skills Competitions in Albania – 7th Edition near the premises of Tirana Business Park. This edition was organized in close cooperation with the Ministry of State for Youth and Children and the National Agency for Employment and Skills, and hosted about 120 young people aged 16-25 

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Spectacular Opening Ceremony marks official start of EuroSkills Graz 2021

With a dazzling explosion of colour, music, and youthful energy, the 7th EuroSkills Competition was officially declared open with great fanfare in Austria yesterday evening (22 September 2021). The highlight, as always at EuroSkills Opening Ceremonies, was the Parade of Nations, which this year included around 400 young professionals from 19 European countries who will 

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Ceremonia spektakolare e hapjes shënon fillimin zyrtar të EuroSkills Graz 2021

Me një shpërthim verbues ngjyrash, muzike dhe energjie rinore, Konkursi i 7 -të EuroSkills u shpall zyrtarisht i hapur me bujë të madhe në Austri mbrëmjen e djeshme (22 shtator 2021). Pika kryesore, si gjithmonë në Ceremonitë e Hapjes të EuroSkills, ishte Parada e Kombeve, e cila këtë vit përfshiu rreth 400 profesionistë të rinj 

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