Albanian Skills Week takes place for the 4th year inspired by the European Vocational Skills Week. European Vocational Skills Week is a European Commission initiative to raise awareness about vocational education and training (VET) and increase its attractiveness since 2016. Inspired by this wonderful initiative which aims to make VET more appealing, to help young 

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Motivational Talk: AI Beyond Robotics

Three sessions provided by AICenter Sweden for Albanian Skills, from Reza Moussavi Director-General. More to learn about AICenter www.aicess.com.Sessions are dedicated mostly for the personas who are in the field of IT and would like to extend their knowledge about artificial intelligence. To become part of the worshop, register at the following link: https://bit.ly/3eLwBqN Participants have to 

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Gëzuar Festat! Season’s Greetings!

Të nderuar miq dhe bashkëpunëtorë të Albanian Skills, Gjejmë rastin që në këtë fundvit t’ju shprehim falenderimet tona të sinqerta për kontributin tuaj të çmuar në arritjen e qëllimeve dhe objektivave tona të përbashkëta. Ky ishte një vit i vështrë për të gjithë, por ne ja dolëm mbanë të vërtetojmë se me bashkëpunim dhe vullnet 

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A one-week online workshop for young professionals in Albania, to learn about AI and how to apply AI in their field of expertise.

Still in the middle of AI skills week Artificial Intelligence, and very excited to be amongst young people with thrilling project ideas. It is all about infusing Artificial Intelligence in your own field of expertise. It broadens your knowledge for sure, but it also takes it into a whole new level of intelligence. The overall 

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