win an internship @ manoolia digital agency

With great pleasure we announce a further attractive prize. Manoolia Digital Agency, a highly innovative web development company in Tirana, offers an internship to one of the winners in our Web Development Competition 2015. A unique opportunity to gain more experience and to further develop your skills in technologies for Front End Development.  Another good reason for our competitors to train hard 

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our competitors 2015

We once again thank all applicants for their courage and their application. Because of the limited amount of seats we had to make a selection. With our selection we tried to make a good mix between men and women from different regions as well as a good mix of students from different institutions and professionals from 

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and the competitors are…

“Alea iacta est”. The die is cast! The Jury has made the selection of competitors for the Albanian Skills Competitions 2015! From many good applications we have selected 28 women and 26 men to compete on 16. May 2015 at TEG in the Web Development, Graphic Design or Photography Competition. But don’t worry! To make 

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application process has been closed

On 10. April 2015 the application process for the competititions 2015 has been closed. We are very happy and proud because we have received a lot of applications. Once more we would like to thank to all the applicants. With your courage and initiative you are already all winners and from our heart we’d love 

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still 5 days for applications

Last call for all motivated young web developers, graphic designers and photographers in Albania. The deadline for competitions is this coming Friday, April 10, 2015. Still in doubt? Give yourself a chance and apply for this challenge. There is nothing to lose but a lot to win. By participating in a competition you can improve your skills, your 

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