Unlocking Skills Potential across Europe: A Comprehensive Recap of the First Pact for Skills Forum

The Pact for Skills was launched on 10 November 2020. It aims to support public and private organisations with maximising the impact of their investment in upskilling and reskilling, so they can thrive through the green and digital transitions. Skills are central for building a resilient and competitive work force, and for mastering the digital and 

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Empowering Sustainable and Digital & Green Futures: The INVEST-CBVET Project Kick-Off Meeting in Seville

In the charming city of Seville, the groundbreaking Kick-Off Meeting for the INVEST project was convened, marking the commencement of a pivotal venture dedicated to fostering Innovation in Green and Digital VET skills for Sustainable Lifestyles. Held over three productive days from the 18th to the 20th of March 2024, the event gathered a consortium 

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Second Chance a great opportunity to support the development of entrepreneurial skills among young individuals in the field of textile design

We are delighted to introduce to you the Second Chance project, the newest project co-funded by the European Union and part of the Erasmus+ Youth 2023 Capacity Building programme! 🥳 This program brings together an entirely new partnership which is bringing together a diverse, vibrant but solid consortium of organizationsconsortium of organizations: Taka-Tuka from Slovenia 

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