exciting traineeship in switzerland

This week Elton Kërçiku stays in Switzerland for his traineeship. Elton is the winner of the AlbanianSkills Photography Competition 2015. As a prize he has the opportunity to complete a traineeship at the studio of Gerry Nitsch, a professional photographer in Switzerland (www.gerrynitsch.ch). Gerry has prepared a very interesting week with different photo shootings. A unique 

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very interesting and challenging

Roxhens Meraj, one winner of the Web Development Competition 2015, has started with his internship at Communication Progress two weeks ago. His first impressions are very good. He really likes the motivational environment and the very friendly and welcoming team mates. In principle perfect, one would think. However, as quite normal and common in the professional life of any software 

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so happy about this opportunity

“I’m so happy I get this opportunity and I am so excited with the training at AIA Network.”  That’s what Kriseida Omeri, one winner of the Photography Competition 2015 says about her prize. Accompanied and advised by the experienced coaches of Albanian Innovation Accelerator, the young art enthusiast from Durrës is now developing her personal roadmap on how to turn 

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