Fast Forward project, Training of Trainers in Vlora, Albania during 26-30 August 2024

We are proud to announce the successful completion of the Training of Trainers () in Vlorë, Albania, organized as part of the “Engage, Connect, and Empower Youth for a Sustainable Green Future – Fast Forward” project . This Erasmus+ initiative, co-funded by the European Commission, is designed to empower youth and youth workers by focusing 

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We are looking for interns – Journalism & Communication Intern

Above all, the employee should love the organization’s mission and devote passion and work on that! Organization DescriptionAlbanianSkills – National Association for Skills Competitions (NASC) is a non governmental organization comprised of senior and young professionals, both locals and internationals, dedicated to youth and skills development in Albania and abroad. Our mission is to promote 

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Fast Forward, First Day of training of trainers in Valencia, Spain

The first day was a fantastic start to our Training of Trainers program, in the framework of Fast Forward project implementation. Some of the first day highlights are: •Introducing the Action Plan, •Introducing our comprehensive Training KIT. •Gathering valuable feedback on the shared outputs. On the second day of the Training of Trainers in Valencia, 

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Final Semester CANDI Project

It’s always a thrill to come together with our #Albanian #CANDI project partners. Our collective energy and support spark fresh ideas and bolster our collaboration towards achieving extraordinary goals! Shkolla Profesionale Teknike Korçë Shkolla e mesme profesionale Charles Telford Erickson Shkolla e Mesme e Ndërtimit “Karl Gega” We’re diving headfirst into the final semester project 

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Albanian Girls in ICT Academy 2024

Në kuadër të Ditës Ndërkombëtare të Vajzave në TIK, Albanian Skills, ashtu sikurse edhe gjatë viteve të shkuara, së bashku me kompani dhe institucione partnere, po përgatitet për t’ju bashkuar aktiviteteve dhe ngjarjeve mbarëbotërore.  Prej vitit 2011, këto ngjarje kanë përfshirë 600,000 vajza, në më shumë se 12,000 aktivitete ndërkombëtare në 195 vende të botës.  Në këtë 

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Unlocking Skills Potential across Europe: A Comprehensive Recap of the First Pact for Skills Forum

The Pact for Skills was launched on 10 November 2020. It aims to support public and private organisations with maximising the impact of their investment in upskilling and reskilling, so they can thrive through the green and digital transitions. Skills are central for building a resilient and competitive work force, and for mastering the digital and 

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“Pjesëmarrja jonë e parë në një Panair Karriere” – Praktikantët e SHTET dëshmojnë përvojën e tyre si pjesëmarrës në këtë panair, duke përfaqësuar AlbanianSkills

Zhvillimi i Panairit të Karrierës te universiteti Epoka shtrihet si një platformë e rëndësishme për të nxitur bashkëpunimin midis bizneseve dhe institucioneve arsimore, duke luajtur një rol kyç në promovimin e aftësive dhe inovacionit. Promovimi në universitete është veçanërisht i rëndësishëm për të krijuar mundësi të shumëfishta për studentët. Ky veprim lejon studentët të zhvillojnë 

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