Akademia Karrieres per te Rinjte, Bashkia Kukes 29-31 Tetor 2021

Prej 29-31 Tetor, 2021 u zhvillua në qytetin e Kukësit “Akademia e Karrierës” në kuadër të aktiviteteve te projektit “Një vizitë larg nga karriera juaj e ardhshme” i financuar nga Zyra e Marrdhënieve me Publikun të Ambasadës së SHBA-së në Tiranë dhe zbatuar nga AlbanianSkills. Ky projekt zhvillohet në bashkëpunim të ngushtë me Bashkitë Kukës, 

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Akademia Karrieres per te Rinjte,Bashkia Dibër 22-24 Tetor 2021

Prej 22-24 Tetor, 2021 u zhvillua në qytetin e Peshkopisë “Akademia e Karrierës” në kuadër të aktiviteteve te projektit “Një vizitë larg nga karriera juaj e ardhshme” i financuar nga Zyra e Marrdhënieve me Publikun të Ambasadës së SHBA-së në Tiranë dhe zbatuar nga AlbanianSkills. Ky projekt zhvillohet në bashkëpunim të ngushtë me Bashkitë Dibër, 

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Akademia Karrieres per te Rinjte, Bashkia Mat 15-31 Tetor 2021

Në datat 15-17 Tetor, 2021 u zhvillua në qytetin e Burrelit “Akademia e Karrierës” në kuadër të aktiviteteve të projektit “Një vizitë larg nga karriera juaj e ardhshme” i financuar nga Zyra e Marrdhënieve me Publikun të Ambasadës së SHBA-së në Tiranë dhe zbatuar nga AlbanianSkills. Ky projekt zhvillohet në bashkëpunim të ngushtë me Bashkitë 

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Albania participates for the first time in EuroSkills 2021

The latest edition of the EuroSkills competition will be taking place from 22nd of September until the 26th. This time the competition will be hosted in Graz, Austria. The EuroSkills is the European Vocational Championship, which is held every two years in one of the 31 WorldSkills Europe member countries. It is a competitions where 

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The bright Future of Hospitality and Tourism – Elite Travel Group

Elite Travel Group joins this year ALBANIAN SKILLS WEEK! Travel Elite Group is a better company to take advantage of established travel and more recognition, based in Albania. Established in 2000, Elite Travel Group and Elite DMC has a history of wanting to provide a higher level of professional control in the Balkan region and 

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Presentative Session Easy Transfer – Easy Pay

Easy Pay joins this year ALBANIAN SKILLS WEEK! EasyPay is a comprehensive digital payment platform with several national and international ratings designed to give individuals the opportunity to make payments within our extensive service portfolio as well as make money transfers, saving time, money and increasing convenience. The meeting will take place in the form 

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How to promote and support Innovation in VET in Albania?

How to Promote and Support Innovation in VET in Albania? The event will be held in the city of Korça, in the premises of the Center for Innovation and Technology, on May 26, 2021, from 10:00 to 13:00. Albanian Skills together with the Municipality of Korca, AKPA and the Schools and Vocational Center of Korca 

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Albanian Skills Week takes place for the 4th year inspired by the European Vocational Skills Week. European Vocational Skills Week is a European Commission initiative to raise awareness about vocational education and training (VET) and increase its attractiveness since 2016. Inspired by this wonderful initiative which aims to make VET more appealing, to help young 

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How to build your resilience?

A motivational event brought within the Albanian Skills Week by Labinot Murrja. An inspirational session to foster new ideas, resume and persevere to succeed. The RINIS program is strengthening new enterprises in northern Albania. A number of activities are being undertaken under this program. Through this example we will discuss the importance of promoting and 

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