Just closing another inspiring edition of skills competitions in Albania

On Saturday, February 26, 2022 was held the National Skills Competitions in Albania – 7th Edition near the premises of Tirana Business Park. This edition was organized in close cooperation with the Ministry of State for Youth and Children and the National Agency for Employment and Skills, and hosted about 120 young people aged 16-25 

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6th Edition of National Skills Competition

We are back in this 6th Edition of Professional Skills Competitions! Thanks to all partners, colleagues, collaborators and youngsters who remained supportive and trustworthy to our noble mission, we are preparing the 6th Edition of the Albanian Skills Competition and expanding our efforts to support the Albania and Albanian youngsters being part of the European 

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Crafts are so Vital to our Culture and Society

Glad and delighted to be honored as “guests” at Valbona Sina-Qendistari Vali, for the third debate – “Crafts are so Vital to our Culture and Society” – the Albanian Skills initiative with the support of the Women’s Professional Business Association Craftsmen of Albania, on Saturday, 24th of November 2018, at 15:30, in Durres. Colour streams 

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Proud to join EAfA family- European Alliance for Apprenticeships!

We’re celebrating 5 years of the European Alliance with the 30 new EAfA members!Congratulations 😁📣#ApprenEU #AlbanianSkills. Today, we have joined EAfA family, the European Alliance for Apprenticeships by signing a pledge as an express of our continuous commitments to contribute to strengthening the supply, quality and attractiveness of apprenticeships in Albania as well as mobility.Our 

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Games are Great Tool to Learn -Debate One

First debate kicks off on 6th November, thanks to #ICTSlab for hosting us, and #UnniTech​ and UnniGames​ for making available their exciting stories, experience and be in the arena of the debate one “Games are great tool to learn”, of the serial “Creative and Cultural Industries and Vocational Skills”. Vocational specialists, young learners, innovative teaching 

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Denis Buzali-Winner Hotel and Restaurant Service Competition 2018

 Denis Buzali -fitues ne konkursin Hotel and Restaurant Service Competition 2018- ishte pjese e vizites studimore ne EuroSkills Budapest 2018, ne kuader te European Vocational Skills Week 2018. Lexoni mesazhin qe ai drejton per te gjithe: EuroSkills do tĂ« mbetet njĂ« eksperiencĂ« e paharrueshme pĂ«r mua. MĂ«nyra e organizimit dhe bashkĂ«punimit ishin tĂ« shkĂ«lqyera dhe duhen marrĂ« si 

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Alkida Osmani – Web Development Winner 2018

Alkida Osmani – fituese e cmimit te pare ne Web Development Competition 2018- ishte pjese e vizites studimore ne EuroSkills Budapest 2018, ne kuader te European Vocational Skills Week 2018. Lexoni mesazhin e saj. Vizita nĂ« EuroSkills Budapest ishte emocionuese dhe njekohĂ«sisht habitĂ«se. Emocionuese pĂ«r faktin se ishte njĂ« organizim madhĂ«shtor me njĂ« pjesĂ«marrje tĂ« 

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Aleks Ruci – Software Developtment Winner 2018

Aleks Ruci – fitues i cmimit te pare ne Software Development Competition 2018- ishte pjese e vizites studimore ne EuroSkills Budapest 2018, ne kuader te European Vocational Skills Week 2018. Lexoni mesazhin qe ai drejton per te gjithe: Vizita nĂ« Euroskills 2018 Budapest mĂ« pĂ«rforcoi mĂ« tepĂ«r mendimin se ShqipĂ«ria ka nevojĂ« tĂ« mbĂ«shtesĂ« mĂ« 

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Official Partner European Vocational Skills 2018 – Partner zyrtar i JavĂ«s Evropiane tĂ« AftĂ«sive Profesionale 2018

We are pleased and honoured to be official partner in supporting the European Vocational Skills Week.  Our event is visible on the map. In the frame of European Vocational Skills Week, a delegation of Albanian Skills will conduct a Learning and Exchanging visit to EuroSkills Budapest 2018. Follow us and European Vocational Skills Week through social 

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Esmerald Bejolli – “Albanian Skills, njĂ« eksperiencĂ« e pazĂ«vendĂ«sueshme”

Ju ftojmĂ« tĂ« lexoni pĂ«rshtypjet e Esmeraldit dhe nismat plot ide qĂ« dĂ«shiron tĂ« ndĂ«rmarrĂ«. UnĂ« quhem Esmerald Bejolli dhe kam marrĂ« pjesĂ« nĂ« Albanian Skills 2017 nĂ« kategorinĂ« Web Development dhe u shpalla fitues i vendit tĂ« dytĂ«. PĂ«r momentin po mundohem tĂ« ngre njĂ« Startup nĂ« TiranĂ« pĂ«r tĂ« pasur njĂ« qasje mĂ« 

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