How to find your passion and stay motivated?

How do we find our passion and stay motivated? It will be one of the motivational sessions that we will bring within the Albanian Skills Week. Edison Biba, Co-Founder of Leeto will share with you some ways to find our passions and develop what we know how to do best. To become part of this 

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Webinar Empowering young people towards renewable energy

For the second year in a row, EuroElektra joins the Albanian Skills Week. We are pleased to invite you to the Webinar: Empowering young people towards renewable energy! EuroElektra is an electrical company, which offers a wide portfolio of electrical products, professional lighting equipment, home automation systems, surveillance systems and solar photovoltaic solutions for residential 

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How to make a creative video!

In the framework of the Albanian Skills Week 2021, this workshop aims to help students develop a specific process to stimulate creativity in the realization of a video. Video is becoming a favorite way of communication for people, organizations, businesses to convey messages. Creativity gives life to the video and immediately affects the audience. If 

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Webinar EcoStruxure Power Design

Schneider Electric joins the Albanian Skills Week every year.This year as well, we are pleased to invite you to the EcoStruxure Power Design Webinar: “EcoStruxure Power Design, the new software for the design of low and medium voltage electrical systems”. During the presentation you will be informed about the advantages and features of this software 

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Skills for Safer Life Webinar: Cyber Security

Following the Skills for Safer Life Webinar, a special session is dedicated to Cyber ​​Security. Together with Xhafer Rrakipllari, Director of Administration and Academic Services, Aleksandër Moisiu University of Durrës. Attendees will learn about the main threats in the digital space, will better understand the type of personal information that hackers intend to steal, and 

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Kick Off Event – Albanian Skills Week 2021

Official Opening of the Albanian Skills Week 2021 Albanian Skills Week has started its journey in May 2018 inspired by the European Vocational Skills Week, a great initiative of the European Commission to raise awareness of education and vocational training since 2016, which aims to make vocational education and training, and more attractive professional skills, 

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Skills vs Passion. What matters most?

Which are the most important? Skills or passion? This will be the theme of the motivational session that will be held by Denis Lushi.Through joint discussions and reflections, interesting and useful conclusions regarding what matters more, skills or passion, the participants will be involved actively through the session. To become part of the session register 

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Thinking about future career!

Within the Albanian Skills Week 2021 will be held the workshop ‘Thinking about future career!’ This workshop is dedicated to young people who are in the last year of high school or 9-year-old. Some informal career counseling methods will examine participants’ perspectives and vision for their future careers. The sessions will be self-reflective and filled 

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5th Edition of National Skills Competition

It is not a joke! We turn 5 years old this year. Thanks to all who remain supportive and trustworthy for our noble mission, we are preparing the 5th Edition of the Albanian Skills Competition and expanding our efforts to support the Albania and Albanian youngsters being part of the European and World professional competitions. 

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Lulzim Hajdini – “Unë mund ta bëj”

Sot po ju sjellim në vemendje përshtypjet e Lulzimit për të mësuar më tej për eksperiencën në Albanian Skills dhe angazhimet që ai ka për momentin. “Unë jam Lulzim Hajdini. Aktualisht vazhoj studimet e larta në vitin e parë në Universitetin Fastip, Fakultet i UAMD për menaxhim hoteleri turizëm. Njëkohësisht punoj si ndihmës kuzhinjer tek Veggies 

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